A Photo Storybook?

I'm Carmen, and I'm here to help you finally DO something with those digital photos - make a photo storybook! Upload pics then either use "scrapbook" templates or create your own & print them in beautiful hard-cover books, for far less than a traditional scrapbook.

Contact me for special deals & to start yours. www.tinyurl.com/MakeAStorybook

Save Money!

You can visit my Website and do a book on your own, but if you contact me, I can usually get you a better deal.


Contact Me


First, you can contact me by leaving a comment on my blog. I get an email whenever someone comments.

Second, my Web site is listed to the right.

Third, you can email me at cs94wahoo at gmail dot com (put an @ where I've typed "at" and a period where I've typed "dot" and don't leave a space.)

I hope to hear from you!